Expat Cinema: The Movie Teller

Expat Cinema: The Movie Teller

Lone Scherfig - Chili - 2024 - 116 minuten - taal: Spanish - ondertiteling: English
  • 12 jaar en ouder
  • geweld
  • grof taalgebruik

The girl’s parents soon realise that the little girl has a very special gift: an almost uncanny ability to recount movies. The girl’s extraordinary talent spreads throughout the village, changing the fortunes of her family as the country is transformed forever.

With standout performances from Academy Award nominee Bérénice Bejo, BAFTA nominee Daniel Brühl, and multiple-time Goya Award winner Antonio de la Torre, The Movie Teller is a celebration of our capacity to defy even the harshest circumstances to find love, community, inspiration, and hope where there seems to be none. Through the stories we weave, we can elevate our lives with shared human emotion.